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ayurvedic alignment & self-care for spring with Jennifer Kurdyla

Ayurvedic Alignment and Self-Care for BLooming into Spring

with guest teacher Jennifer Kurdyla

2-part series:

Workshop: Tuesday, March 19 at 3:00-4:15pm ET
Practice: Friday, March 29 at 10:00-10:50am ET    
Recording access through Monday, April 29

Seasonal alignment is a pillar of health and healing in both the Ayurvedic and yoga traditions. When we acknowledge the qualities and elements at play in our external and internal environments, we can make choices for how we eat, move, and relate to each other that helps us embrace change rather than resist it. 

In this workshop, you'll learn practical tools and techniques to guide your diet and self-care rituals to support kapha dosha, which is dominant in spring. As we move out of the winter season, we naturally crave qualities of lightness, dryness, clarity, and warmth—all of which promote the circulation and elimination of built-up congestion and stagnation. By promoting a steady and rhythmic digestive fire, and encouraging space and movement in the body and mind, these tools will support you not only during spring, but any time there is a feeling of heaviness, dullness, or sluggishness in yourself or in your environment. 

Please note that, because this is a group setting, we will not be going into individual imbalances/conditions, which requires more time and precision to support effectively. Rather, we will be discussing general concepts around the qualities of the season, which you can then use to interpret what you need for your unique individual "season" (of the year, of life, etc.)



Chakras & Digestion: Integrating Ayurvedic Tools For Rest and Digest in Yoga and Ayurveda

Digestion is the cornerstone of good health; and spring is an important time to fire up our digestive capacity. Join Ayurvedic practitioner and author, guest teacher Jennifer Kurdyla, for a practice designed to integrate the first three chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus) to fully explore the dynamics of "rest and digest"—creating a sense of grounding and relaxation to promote healthy appetite, digestion, and elimination. The sequence will explore the physical and subtle bodies to identify areas of stagnation and congestion. Then, asana and breathing techniques will warm and melt away what's accumulated over the winter months. With these seasonal tools and practices, you'll feel both more stable and spacious in the lower body—the ideal environment for growing strong, deep, nourished roots and blossom joyfully into spring. 



Jennifer Kurdyla is an Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher, and writer based in Brooklyn, New York. Committed to sharing the ancient tools of Ayurveda and yoga with modern communities, she helps her clients and students discover personalized rituals that support their well-being in body, mind, and spirit. She thrives in the creative space of her kitchen, where she crafts seasonal plant-forward recipes with a focus on supporting digestion and reviving our sensory experience with food prepared fresh and with love. A former book editor and graduate of Harvard University, she is also the co-author of Root & Nourish: An Herbal Cookbook for Women's Wellness (Tiller Press). Read more about her holistic health services and educational resources at and on Instagram at @jenniferkurdyla or @rootandnourishbook 

March 15

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