deep listening meditations
"You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean in a drop."
Welcome. Thank you for purchasing Deep Listening and practicing here with me. I recorded these offerings to accompany you on your journey through the program. And, while each single practice is very potent on it's own, they are all designed to work together and in context of the over all Deep Listening practice.
In essence, the Deep Listening Program is a purposeful progression of teachings and practices. We begin by building a foundation that will support you as you go deeper and deeper, step-by-step. Therefore, I recommend that you initially move through these practices successively. This will help you to establish a grounded-ness that will enable you to integrate and sustain both the subtle and the profound changes you are creating.
Please consider that these practices will likely be most impactful when used along with my book. I suggest you also add one or more of the accompanying practices in each chapter: the Yoga Experiences, Restorative Experiences, Contemplations, Journaling, and Instant Pause and Resets. But of course, any amount that you do will be useful. Do what is best for you.
After you've moved through these offerings sequentially and spent time with each practice, I invite you to go back and explore them in any order of your choice. Feel free to repeat the ones that most resonate with you or meet your needs on any particular day.
I have truly loved creating this programming for you and hope that as you move through Deep Listening, you will feel my intention to be present with you here and my deep desire to offer you accessible, adaptable, repeatable, and powerfully transforming practices.
And, mostly, thank you for practicing. Your practice is good for not only just you, it also benefits everyone you interact with. For when you feel more relaxed — more calm, clear, and open — you have a more positive, nourishing impact on everyone you come into contact with. In this way, your practices helps make this planet a more peaceful and compassionate place.
With love and gratitude,
chapter mediations
chapter 1 - Welcome
We are learning to welcome our breath into our body. We are learning to welcome our mind onto our breath. We are learning to create a safe space for ourselves, so we can show up more.
chapter 2 - Let Yourself Land
We are learning to allow the ground to carry us. We are learning to allow our body to be on the earth. You don’t have to hold everything up. Let the earth hold you.
chapter 3 - Being Here
We are learning to let our breath arrive in our body. We are learning to be with our breath as it flows. We are practicing both moving along with and allowing ourselves to be moved by our breath as it is actually happening.
chapter 4 - How We Hold
We are practicing noticing our thoughts, feelings, and sensations and relaxing with them rather than adding on. We are learning to notice when, how, and where we tense up, and rather than judging what we find, we are practicing relaxing with it.
chapter 5 -Making Space
We are learning to soften and make space for everything to rise and fall. We are practicing allowing ourselves to expand.
We are practicing listening to the breath. Practicing noticing the way our breath tenderly meets everything it comes into contact with. We are learning to listen to ourselves, to be with ourselves, in the way that our breath is unconditionally there for us. We are training in releasing the habitual tension in our body and mind, so that we can expand our attention and wholeheartedly meet whatever arises in us and around us.
chapter 7- Listening Deeply
We are training in pausing. We are learning to pause and relax so that we can make more room for curiosity, listening, insight. We are practicing listening rather than reacting.
Chapter 8 - Listening Bravely
We are learning how relaxing our tension can help us expand our capacity to feel our compassion and our connectedness—to ourselves and others. We are practicing relaxing and opening when we feel the impulse to do the opposite. We are practicing on our mats, so we can be more open and compassionate in the daily moments of our life.
chapter 9 - Listening Again and Again and Again
We are learning how to remind ourselves that we always have a choice about how we step into the future. We are learning to remind ourselves that we can always begin again.

“Slowly and gently, we are going to develop a strong foundation that we can rest on any and every time we meet challenges in life.”
— Jillian Pransky, Deep Listening