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the big march melt: water class

What is soft, is strong. 

In this practice, we will connect to the water element that is within and around us. We will move through a slow flow connecting with the fluidity in each asana shape, allowing ourselves to undulate, as we connect into the continuum of energy: merging rivers of energy, breath, and movement. We will finish feeling more malleable and able to move along with the changing season. What needs to flow right now? What is stuck that could use some loosening and fluidity?

Enjoy the full March series which includes 5 practices, community meet-up, & mini-retreat - learn more.

Monthly membership now available - includes full series, community-meet-up, mini-retreat & on-demand library of classes, workshops, and meditations - learn more.

March 4

the big march melt: earth class

March 18

the big march melt: fire class