allowing for the flow: tapping into the wisdom of the sacral chakra
Our water center encompasses the area in our pelvis, low back, and low belly. It governs our ability to process, release, eliminate, and create. Our organs, the kidneys, bladder, and intestines, help us process, flow, and release; our reproductive organs help us create.
When we are hard, stuck, tight, and tense in our water center, we inhibit many essential bodily functions, from digestion and elimination to reproduction and growth.
When we’re contested here, we may feel sluggish, tired, numb, disconnected, stuck, and weighed down.
This center also deals with our connection to others. And when you consider that this area of water is also our center for relations, we can consider how being open here can support our ability to be more flexible and reciprocal with others, rather than controlling or rigid.
Our sacral chakra is also our emotional center… And while emotions get a bad rap, emotions aren’t our enemy. In fact, emotions are neither good nor bad. E-motions are simply energy in motion that rises and falls.
It’s our Water center that allows us to let things flow and release, so we can grow and thrive.
And even more it’s a source of enlivening and embracing what is personally nourishing to you.
Your creativity, passion, playfulness are considered the vital ingredients in growth and expansion. It’s the energy of this chakra that helps us design the life we want.
We just have to allow for the flow.
flowing with ease: sacral chakra practice
a 20-minute warming, hip-opening practice to flow with change
In this short practice, you’ll build heat and get your water center moving. This warming, hip-opening practice will also help dissolve stagnation that tends to arrive in spring, helping to move your lymph and promote circulation.
spring chakra practice series
Join us for a series of slow-flow yoga practices with a focus on the chakras, restoratives, and deep relaxation designed to clear stagnant energy, release heaviness, boost immunity, and revitalize your well-being.
Each class will focus on a different energy center, always beginning with grounding so you feel rooted as you progressively release stagnant energy and deeper tension. We will pay special attention to circulation, breath, and digestion, as we harness the expansive energy of spring.