when we can’t “fix” things (at least not right away): metta meditation practice
In this dharma talk and metta meditation practice, explore how to create space around your experience to connect with love and compassion.

metta meditation: a self-love practice to set conditions for evolution
I’d like to share with you the most important (and often the most difficult) metta practice, which is offering blessings and affirmations and lovingkindness to ourselves.

metta meditation to care for our nervous system & connect with all beings
When we care for our nervous system, we set the conditions to care for all beings. Enjoy this practice to send love and create space for differences and connection.
the art of allowing - the one you feed podcast
In this interview, Jillian dives deep into the topic of somatic listening; what it is, why it’s important, how to do it and the benefits you can expect. Restorative Yoga is an avenue for this type of work and it can be life changing to say the least. Do you experience tension in your body? Do you have unpleasant feelings? Do you feel exhausted? If your answer is yes or sometimes to any of these questions, you’ll want to hear what Jillian Pransky has to say in this episode.

all about metta (lovingkindess) meditation: the practice for precarious times
Explore the simple time-tested (and research-backed) practice that’s truly important medicine for our times.

feel more clear, connected, & expansive with this simple full chakra meditation
Try this short chakra awareness practice to feel more grounded, clear, and connected.

heart chakra meditation to create conditions for love and care
This 10-minute adapted metta practice will help us meet ourselves with kindness and spaciousness… so we create conditions to meet each other with the same.

5 benefits of tapping into the relaxation response (plus, a 5-minute legs-up practice for relaxation)
If you’d like to build up your capacity to tap into your parasympathetic state more easily and more regularly, I recommend trying this 5-minute practice daily this week. Simply notice what happens when you’re off the mat. The intention isn’t to feel more checked out of our realities; rather, observe your mind, body, emotions, and response when you’re squarely in the present.

15-minute tension tamer for tough times
Try this short but potent practice of gentle, rhythmic breath-based yoga movements and deep relaxation. This simple pause will offer you a little room to breath, move, rest, and recuperate.

feeling depleted? fill back up with a deeply restorative meditation
Replenish your reserves from deep depletion created by fear, confusion, and anguish. We’ll nourish ourselves energetically, restoring our resources so we can be more nurturing for each other.

explore the science of deep relaxation
Try this FREE deep restorative practice and take refuge in constructive rest post.

the practice that helped me listen to my inner wisdom
Try this FREE meditation practice to help us listen softly and compassionately to ourselves and what our body is saying to us. This meditation pairs with Chapter 6 of my book, Deep Listening.

let yourself land - a free meditation to feel grounded and at home in your body
Try this FREE meditation practice to feel more grounded and connected. This meditation pairs with Chapter 2 of my book, Deep Listening.

shifting the deep-rooted patterns that keep us stuck (plus, restorative practice for wholeness, connection, & presence)
Try this FREE restorative practice to help us experience our connectedness, so we can cultivate a stronger sense of belonging, wholeness, and presence.

what metta taught me about my most difficult relationship (plus, 2 FREE meditations)
How Lovingkindness can change our relationship to challenging people and conditions in our lives. Plus, receive two free meditations!

practicing joy in precarious times
Try this 20-minute practice to explore the postures of joy. In this short, breath-based flow, we’ll build a solid foundation, grounding through our body, so we can create a more spacious container through which to move more light.

strong & centered: 15-minute fitness flow for yogis
Try this 15-minute full-body strength practice with optional light weights to feel more balanced and energized.

standing in your true power: a deep listening meditation
Try this meditation practice to practice being with your fear, rather than closing down or conquering it.
heart-centered breathing: a quick reset practice for your body and mind
Heart breathing is a simple practice that you can practice wherever you are to help you untangle any tension or armor that you are carrying in your body, particularly around your chest and heart.

mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!
In this short, progressive relaxation practice, you’ll squeeze and release areas in your entire body, beginning at your feet and moving up, so you can let go of excess stress and tension, and feel a palpable sense of ease.