nervous system snack: create space & feel more grounded ✨
Discover how to release tension and regulate your nervous system with somatic practices like progressive relaxation. Learn to shift from fight or flight into rest and digest, supporting your parasympathetic nervous system for improved well-being, calm, and connection.

Roundtable Discussion About the Collective Impact of Rest
A roundtable discussion about the importance and impact of rest hosted by Jillian Pransky featuring Ashley Turner, Cheri Clampett, Cyndi Lee, Dr. Gail Parker, Hala Khouri, Indu Arora, Rhonda V. Magee, & Seane Corn.

a deep listening conversation with Dr. Gail Parker
A conversation with Jillian and Dr. Gail Parker about the difference between coming into agreement versus coming into understanding, the deep, deep work of getting to know ourselves, releasing expectations and allowing your students to have their own experiences, and so much more.

a deep listening conversation with Lisa Weinert
A conversation with Jillian and Lisa Weinert about how learning to listen to the language and wisdom of our bodies when it comes to healing through our stories allows the awareness of the body to interrupt the one-way narrative in your mind that keeps you stuck.

a deep listening conversation with Tracee Stanley
A conversation with Jillian and Tracee Stanley about the power of trusting and having faith in our practice, how discomfort can be the portal to awakening, and how nature helps reveals our true Selves.

finding strength in softness: 10-minute restorative yoga for vulnerability
Try this 10-minute practice to connect with support and and spaciousness to experience more compassion and lovingkindness.

a legs up restorative to land on loving support
Restorative Legs-Elevated Pose is a perfect resting position to release a constricted psoas. This pose can also help relieve excess tension and holding in the pelvis, belly, and back. It is known to help quiet and calm the mind as well.

why choose restorative yoga teacher training? plus, a bonus restorative practice!
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training In Jillian’s online training, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice with the world’s leading experts in restorative practices for a unique and immersive training experience.
This training is for anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge of the healing practices of restorative yoga and the art and science of the nervous system, conscious rest, and relaxation practices.

restorative yoga teacher training
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training In this 55-hour online training, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice with the world’s leading experts in restorative practices, including Jillian Pransky, Hala Khouri, Dr. Gail Parker, Lisa Weinert, and Dr. Christiane Wolf for a unique and immersive training experience.
This training is for anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge of the healing practices of restorative yoga and the art and science of the nervous system, conscious rest, and relaxation practices.

mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!
In this short, progressive relaxation practice, you’ll squeeze and release areas in your entire body, beginning at your feet and moving up, so you can let go of excess stress and tension, and feel a palpable sense of ease.

a restorative practice to receive heart centered healing
An energy practice to feel more energized and restored in your mind and body. This practice can be used to nourish our ability to create, expand, and be of service.

enhancing your restorative practice: 7 tips to relax more
Whether you are new to restorative yoga or a seasoned pro, little tweaks can help you get more relaxation out of your practice. From longer holds and deeper breathing to props and prep, here are 7 ways to get the most out of your restorative practice.
3 ways to practice free-flow breathing
As we release deep tension in restorative yoga, we create the conditions for our breath to flow more freely. We create space for the breath to come and go on its own, in a free flow, in as deep of a capacity as it can at that moment.

savasana—one of yoga’s most advanced practices
This restorative yoga pose helps relax your psoas, reduce anxiety and improve your sleep.

4 big benefits of restorative yoga plus a free restorative practice to ease your mind and body
Here are four of the main benefits of restorative yoga, and why it's an essential antidote for our fast-paced, stressed-out lives. Enjoy a free restorative practice to feel more at ease in your mind and body.

expanding into the heart of winter
Winter is nature’s time of hibernation, retreat, and contraction. As winter’s cold, wet, dark, and heavy qualities increase around us, they grow within us as well.