mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!

mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!

In this short, progressive relaxation practice, you’ll squeeze and release areas in your entire body, beginning at your feet and moving up, so you can let go of excess stress and tension, and feel a palpable sense of ease.

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a meditation to welcome spring
Spring, Mindfulness/Meditation, Practice Now jillian pransky Spring, Mindfulness/Meditation, Practice Now jillian pransky

a meditation to welcome spring

A virtual Spring Cleaning Equinox mini-retreat designed to help you remove heaviness and invite in fresh energy, preparing you to fully bloom into the season. You will flow through a short series of breath-based mindful vinyasa, rejuvenating restoratives, and an intention-setting meditation that will leave you feeling more bright and aligned with spring’s expanding energy.

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two expansive listening meditation practices for spaciousness and clarity

two expansive listening meditation practices for spaciousness and clarity

Bring relief to our busy, bombarded, and preoccupied mind.

Listening meditation is simple, and anyone can do it anywhere. Essentially, we are training in being open and receptive. Eventually, listening meditation becomes an opportunity not only to cultivate a spacious attitude but also to be able to wait quietly for the unknown without expectations or fixed thinking.

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our life partner, the breath. a love story.

our life partner, the breath. a love story.

Stressful situations will always arise in our life, and sometimes it will feel as if there’s no solid ground to support us. Each time we pause and replace our attention on our breath, our mind comes “home” to our body. Each time we replace our attention on our breath, we grow more grounded. For a moment, we stop thinking about the future or replaying the past. For a moment, we can stop zipping around trying to make things better.

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