metta meditation to care for our nervous system & connect with all beings
When we care for our nervous system, we set the conditions to care for all beings. Enjoy this practice to send love and create space for differences and connection.
the art of allowing - the one you feed podcast
In this interview, Jillian dives deep into the topic of somatic listening; what it is, why it’s important, how to do it and the benefits you can expect. Restorative Yoga is an avenue for this type of work and it can be life changing to say the least. Do you experience tension in your body? Do you have unpleasant feelings? Do you feel exhausted? If your answer is yes or sometimes to any of these questions, you’ll want to hear what Jillian Pransky has to say in this episode.
all about metta (lovingkindess) meditation: the practice for precarious times
Explore the simple time-tested (and research-backed) practice that’s truly important medicine for our times.
15-minute deep core practice to reconnect and recenter
This foundational core sequence will help you reconnect to your center and prepare you for subtle heart practices.
4 skills to help us release tension (plus: free gift: a nourishing self-care restorative yoga practice)
This practice will gently enhance circulation, promote lymph drainage, nourish your respiratory system, balance your energy, and create a sense of space in your heart, both physically and emotionally.
feel more clear, connected, & expansive with this simple full chakra meditation
Try this short chakra awareness practice to feel more grounded, clear, and connected.
Roundtable Discussion About the Collective Impact of Rest
A roundtable discussion about the importance and impact of rest hosted by Jillian Pransky featuring Ashley Turner, Cheri Clampett, Cyndi Lee, Dr. Gail Parker, Hala Khouri, Indu Arora, Rhonda V. Magee, & Seane Corn.
heart chakra meditation to create conditions for love and care
This 10-minute adapted metta practice will help us meet ourselves with kindness and spaciousness… so we create conditions to meet each other with the same.
a simple recipe for an easeful spring transition
Dandelion is a popular bitter to stimulate digestion, making it an excellent addition to the pesto. It is a quintessential bitter green—the ideal taste to incorporate into one’s diet in spring per Ayurveda.
one-blanket restorative practice to boost energy & dissolve tension
Create space for the breath and feel refreshed!
a deep listening conversation with Indu Arora
A conversation with Jillian and Indu Arora about her journey into the deep study of yoga and ayurveda, which began with observing her parents' practice and growing up in a family of 15. She talks about the moments with her gurus that transformed her and allowed her to dedicate herself to the practice.
how to guide a soft belly breathing practice to help your students relax more
As a yoga teacher, helping students learn to learn to breathe well is an essential aspect of healing. You have options to help your students activate the vagus nerve to initiate the neurological state of relaxation.
the science of our gut instincts (plus, a soft belly & supple psoas practice)
Try this short practice to create space in the gut as well as release tension in the psoas, which helps us activate our vagus nerve.
a new year’s practice that truly creates the future — our future
This classic meditation coming into presence on the breath to train in welcoming ourselves back home again and again. We'll set conditions to flow along with the present, into a more embodied future.
a deep listening conversation with Dr. Christiane Wolf
A conversation with Jillian and Dr. Gail Parker about the difference between coming into agreement versus coming into understanding, the deep, deep work of getting to know ourselves, releasing expectations and allowing your students to have their own experiences, and so much more.
relieve neck tension & stimulate the vagus nerve in 10 minutes
This short routine relieves "tech neck" while at the same time incorporating humming, which directly stimulates the vagus nerve and helps us feel more calm and at ease.
a deep listening conversation with Dr. Gail Parker
A conversation with Jillian and Dr. Gail Parker about the difference between coming into agreement versus coming into understanding, the deep, deep work of getting to know ourselves, releasing expectations and allowing your students to have their own experiences, and so much more.
stuck in a stress loop? free your breath (& feel calmer) with a side-body openers
Try this 8-minute practice that help you open up the spine and side body to facilitate a full diaphragmatic breath.
a deep listening conversation with Lisa Weinert
A conversation with Jillian and Lisa Weinert about how learning to listen to the language and wisdom of our bodies when it comes to healing through our stories allows the awareness of the body to interrupt the one-way narrative in your mind that keeps you stuck.